July 22, 2009 By Amanda Padgett

Would you like a custom blog design but just can’t afford one right now? I found one great designer who offers custom blog designs for free! Adori Graphics is run by Louise, a wonderful lady who has a heart for service. She started out designing blogs for people who were using their blog as a journal, therapy for problems they were dealing with. Now she has branched out and designs for anyone.
Here are just a few of her beautiful designs:
Adori Graphics also offers some lovely, unique, FREE backgrounds with matching headers which you can customize (or maybe she can do that for you also). Those are wonderful for those wanting to change their design immediately and not wait for a personal design.
And, while you are there, check out her great tutorials! Louise really has a heart for others, and is so generous in all she offers! If you would like a free custom blog design, you had better hurry because her queue is just about full! If you go there and her wait list is full, become a follower so you can find out when she has openings.
Also, if you are a designer-in-training, know a good bit about PhotoShop and HTML, Louise is looking for someone to work with her. Obviously there is no pay, but what a great way to get on-the-job training!