August 11, 2009 By Amanda Padgett

I want to introduce you to a wonderful site to find free blog templates. Template-Mama is a blog that provides many, many unique and custom-like designs. These templates have more design elements than many of the free templates available at other designers’ sites.
Template-Mama kind of stumbled into blog design. To tweak her own blog, she started to learn HTML code and it just took off from there. She creates Blogger templates as a hobby, for her own enjoyment, but it has pleased her that others have enjoyed them also. She does not expect payment for any of her templates, but if you use a template, I encourage you to donate what you can to help cover her cost of PhotoShop upgrades.
She has more than 80 different templates to choose from and here are just a few of my favorites from her selection:
In addition to the beautiful, free templates, she also write tutorials (click on “tips” in her label cloud) and provides links to other sites with free templates.
Template-Mama, you are very talented and very generous to donate your time to help others. I can’t wait to see your future designs, because you keep getting better and better!
Here is a button for you to post on your blog in a post or on your sidebar.