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December 6, 2011
1:04 pm
New Member
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
December 6, 2011
I am VERY new! I have a simple button I have created that links to a page on my blog. I have not created a blog for my design services. It would be just another thing to do and to check. I want to try to keep it all in one place and make it easier for myself if I can. Here is my blog address: http://www.anappleadaywisdom.com and the design page is: http://anappleadaywisdom.com/a…..esigns/. I had help doing my own blog redesign a few months ago. The person that did it, teaches as she does. I learned LOADS and thought, hey I can do this, too! So I started dabbling. I am very inexperienced in creating graphics. But I can do the technical things to create the blogs and layouts very well. Here are links for two Blogger redesigns my friends let me do: http://www.savinginsumnerco.blogspot.com/ and http://savingmakescents-savingmakescents.blogspot.com/. So anyway, it was hard to design my own button for my design services and have it match/coordinate with my blog’s new look. Tell me what you think about all of these if you don’t mind. If it’s alot, sorry to overload 🙂
December 12, 2011
11:49 pm
Hey! I think your site looks great! Simple, clean, and the button compliments it nicely too! I really wish I had some constructive criticism…but I don’t! LOL!