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December 7, 2011
12:33 am
New Member
Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
October 28, 2011
Hello my name is Nicole. I just starting my graphic design (print) business. I love designing and wanted to learn more about blog design. I am looking to learn so that I can use blog design to improve my own blog. I ordered the Blog Designer Workshop Tutorial and watched the videos. I already found some things that I need to improve within my header. One of them being the Scriptina font (overused). I happen to like that font..lol
My website is not completed but you can find it at http://www.SapphireGraphics.co. You can let me know anything else you see that is wrong with it too if you like.
Best Regards,
February 8, 2012
12:18 am
Forum Posts: 23
Member Since:
February 4, 2011
Hi Nicole! Just checked out your site – it’s looking REALLY amazing! Great use of patterns and textures. Awesome drop-down effects as well. The only suggestion we have is to make sure your slideshow images are nice and crisp and at a high resolution…they look a little fuzzy! Great job though!
February 16, 2012
9:05 pm
Forum Posts: 4
Member Since:
December 5, 2011
Welcome to theBDN Nicole!
Your site looks great!
A few pointers on the site:
It seems it does take a bit of time to first load, I would suggest contacting Dodaddy to see if there are any problems with your site or server that it is on.
I have ran a load time test on your site as seen here:
It looks like the times that take the longest time to load is your middle menu area:
I am not sure how you have that setup, but maybe linking to the image directly might speed that up a bit, instead of using the wp thumbnail link.
Overall it looks like a great site, good luck with your new biz!
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