January 16, 2012 By The Blog Designer Network
We’re very excited to offer this new class on Wednesday evening. Both designers and bloggers will benefit from this course on making social media both beautiful and functional. Whether you use social media often, use one more than others, or are a total newbie – this course includes everything you need, and you can attend right from your computer at home! Begins Wednesday, January 18th at 5:30pm MT (Mountain Time) and lasts until 7:30pm. Read below for details, or register here.
Bio: As a blog and website designer, April has not only created social media graphics for many clients, but has also grown her social media presence in the process. With over 4,300 Twitter followers, 2,200 Facebook likes, and 807 Pinterest followers, April has built a community around her business and can help you to do the same. You can follow her @aprildurham on Twitter and Pinterest.
This class includes:
- A video copy of the course to keep and watch. (Viewable on Mac and PC.)
- Over 5 templates to download and use to create your own images.
- A comprehensive e-Book of detailed notes.
Here are some of the things the course will cover:
- Creating graphics
- Best formats and dimensions for each platform
- Social Icons for your site
- Facebook Cover Photos *NEW*
- Facebook Profile Images
- Facebook Landing Pages
- Twitter Backgrounds
- Twitter Avatars
- Pin-worthy graphics
- Building a targeted fan-base
- Using social media management tools to simplify managing many sites
- Incorporating social media into your blog or website
- Tips and techniques for Facebook and Twitter updates.
Using the *NEW* Pinterest to your advantage (without spamming your loyal followers!)
and more!
Other courses April teaches this month:
The Blog Designer Workshop
Adobe Photoshop (Intermediate/Advanced)
Courses by other teachers this month:
Creating Genesis Child Themes by Lynne of Visual Serendipity
Blogging on WordPress.org (for Beginners) by Jessica of The Frilly Coconut
Blog Header in Adobe Photoshop Elements by Jessica of The Frilly Coconut
Register Here (Price: $65)
Have questions? Send inquires to info (at) thebdn (dot) com or use our “Contact” page!