This class will help you increase your work efficiency by decreasing the amount of time it takes you to install a custom design on a client domain. By using BackupBuddy, your installation time will go from 2+ hours to ten (10) minutes or less. BackupBuddy will back up EVERYTHING, including: the SQL database, plugins, files, themes, scripts, posts, settings, widgets, plugins, and everything else in the WordPress database and directories. Make your install easier by utilizing this premiere backup WordPress Plugin.
April 3rd – April 18th (You will be able to access the materials and receive instructor assistance during this time.)
Live Session
April 17th, 7pm Mountain Time
Materials Needed
- BackupBuddy Plugin purchased from iThemes
There is no previous knowledge required for this class.
$45 USD per student
Course materials will be emailed to you by the instructor after registration and payment is received.