5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a New Designer

September 12, 2012 By The Blog Designer Network

The art of designing blogs and websites is a relatively new and booming business.  Every month several people graduate our Blog & Web Designer Workshop, and other talented individuals all over the web are launching online-based design shops.  As a blogger, you may be looking for a designer using our directory, or are searching independently online.  Here are 5 reasons why you should consider hiring a new designer to work with you on your next project.

1.  Your website needs a more professional touch.

Whether you designed your own site, or had someone design it for you – it’s common to want (and need) a professional update.  Hiring a professional can be a rewarding and exciting experience, and the results can make your website stand out among a sea of sites designed by amateurs.  The difference in quality is striking, and the result is easily identifiable as something you’ve truly invested in.

2.  You don’t have the time to customize your design.

So you’ve tried your hand at design and coding, but unless you’re a designer by profession – it’s likely not your main focus.  Rather than spending countless hours tweaking and perfecting, it’s truly remarkable how a great designer can capture your vision.  Spend your valuable time focusing on what you find important, and hire a designer that can turn a huge time consuming project into something beautiful in timely manner.

3.  You would like to make money from your blog.

Let’s face it, making money online requires some sort of upfront investment.  Whether it’s in advertising your site, or investing in a professional web design, or even an investment of your time.  Ultimately, the more effort and investment you put toward your website will show to potential advertisers (and your audience) that you take what you do seriously.  As a result, they will take you seriously too!

4.  You don’t know how to implement the advanced features you want.

You have an idea, you know it can be done, but you don’t have the knowledge or time to make it happen.  Hiring a professional designer to take care of the tough stuff for you can eliminate a lot of headache and trial and error time.  Many also offer training or helpful tutorials to help you manage your website yourself!

5.  You’re looking for a return on an investment.

As mentioned above, the ultimate goal in improving your website is to receive a return on your investment.  Whether the return is monetary, increased web traffic, simple satisfaction, or all of the above – ultimately, making an investment in your blog or website using a talented designer that suits your style can bring a tremendous amount of success…

…and here is where you start!  Take a moment to browse the portfolios of these designers, and find one that suits you perfectly!

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( More designers can be found on our Showcase, in the Directory, and via the Sponsors on our sidebar. )