May 29, 2009 By Amanda Padgett
After watching my SiteMeter referrals obsessively occasionally, I noticed that I had a some traffic coming from individual blogs. How could that be? Well, after heading over there, I saw that they had my button on their blog, or listed me in their blog roll. So, I decided to return the favor and I am creating a “Friends” page, which will also be listed on my sidebar.
If you would like to trade buttons or links, please leave a comment and I will add you to it. Starting small now, but got to start somewhere, right? If you already have me on your blog roll or have my button, please let me know and I will add yours here.
My button is in the left-hand side bar. Simply copy the code and paste it into a friends post like this or into a gadget on a sidebar.
Those without buttons:
Los Luceros de Arizona
The Wonderful Wibblers
The Sweet Jelly Bean