Beautiful Blog Designs Feature – Your Wishcake

October 25, 2010 By Dawn Farias

I cannot tell you how I ever came across the blog Your Wishcake.  I can only tell you that the blogger there, Kerri, makes me want to start a personal blog all over again (something I haven’t done much of for the better part of a year).  Her writings, photographs, and projects inspire me to tell a story, my story.  But for now, let’s talk about hers:

Twenty-six. Happily married. Has the tendency to channel Monica Geller. Not responsible for anything said after three glasses of wine.

These are the things I loved the most upon first arriving at her sight, in a very particular order:

  1. Open, clean, inviting and original design.
  2. Uncluttered sidebars with tidy sections linking to information that usually takes up that space: about me, blogroll, favorite posts, etc.
  3. Fabulous writing.  This is a good, old-fashioned personal online journal.  Sure, she makes crafts and sells them on Etsy, but you Get It that her blog is more about writing and sharing then selling and marketing.

Please visit Kerri’s blog, Your Wishcake, today.  Take a moment to look around, to read and to realize the heart and eye for detail that has gone into every bit of it.